An exciting and important milestone has now been reached for Hospice Nepal. After much dedicated effort by all those involved in Project Hospice Nepal, we have secured funds to purchase the land for the new hospice.
At present, there are no hospice facilities for children in Nepal but this will change with the building of a new 24-bed hospice and National Palliative Care Training Centre.
As one of the first and oldest Hospices in Nepal, the staff have struggled for 20 years providing an outstanding service to their community and beyond, and I am extremely proud to be one of its Ambassadors.
The plans for the new hospice include a 24-bed unit, a four bed children’s wing and a purpose-built Palliative Care Training Centre, which we hope will become a centre of excellence for the training of Nepalese doctors, nurses and health care workers, able to provide even better support to more families in Nepal.
I greatly admire the dedication, generosity and achievements of the Hospice’s staff, the supporters and volunteers, and look forward to seeing the progress of this campaign. Together, I hope we will achieve this vision for our Nepalese families and continue to transform lives.

Joanna Lumley OBE, Ambassador